Sand Sort Puzzle

Sand Sort Puzzle

Sand Sort Puzzle is an exceedingly intriguing online game with a chemistry-based theme that is available to everybody. In this game, you will need to touch the cups in order to sort the sand by color by pouring it into other cups of the same hue. If you pour a color into a glass, it will cause a flower to develop on the surface of the glass. If you get stuck while playing the puzzle game, you may restart the level anytime you like. You will be able to purchase new eyewear with the coins you collect as you go through the game by visiting the store after you have completed each level. Are you prepared to go? Join us today for the Sand Sort Puzzle!


  • There are no level caps, and the store is stocked with some really neat stuff. 
  • 2D graphics with vivid colors.
  • Intuitive skills.
  • A challenging and engaging gaming experience.
  • Engaging and compelling gameplay.
  • An uncountable number of levels.
  • Unlockable vases and design templates.

How to play

Players take part in the challenge by moving and touching the glass with the mouse in order to pour sand of the same hue into a variety of cups. This is done so that they may earn points. Best of luck!

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